الجمعة، 25 مارس 2016

smallpox vius 

        Largest viruses
        Brick shaped

Variola virus (VARV
caused by
(Variola major & Variola minor
Two forms
is highly contagious
Inhaling droplets of saliva(full of virus),
Direct contact
conjunctiva or placenta.
      7-17 days

Incubation period:

flu-like illnesses)
High fever, fatigue, depression, headache, backache & rash
characteristic rash, most prominent on the face, arms, and legs(2 to 3 days after the first symptoms)
. The rash starts with flat red lesions (sores) that develop at the same rate. After a few days, the lesions become filled with pus. They begin to crust early in the second week. Scabs develop and then separate and fall      off  after about three weeks.

          Routine viral cultures.
          Variola PCR targets the hemagglutin gene.
          Electron Microscopy.

Diagnostic Tests